Contactless Mobile Payments

What your mobile payment device can do for you

Manage your business, on the go

What about a compact, super light card reader? Now is yours. Get an app that packs a lot of processing power to manage your payments.

Take payments on the go

Let your customers pay how they want to pay. Dip, swipe, or tap. Debit or credit. NFC payments including Apple Pay, WeChat Pay, Google Pay, Alipay and others. Now twice as fast. The most complete, fully mobile setup in the industry. Your mobile device is a full-fledged Point of Sale, terminal, and business management system. All in the palm of your hand.

Sync with other devices (conditions apply)

No matter what or whatever you do on your payment device, process transactions, create orders, manage employees, or update inventory-it all seamlessly syncs with your Point of Sale system web dashboard, so you are always on top of your business no matter where you are.

What your mobile payment device can do for you?

Ready right out of the box

Just charge, connect, and pair with the device app on your iOS or Android device. Very easy, right?

Ready out of the box

Build orders, run reports, take payments, and email or text receipts, all from the POS app.

Top-notch security

Protect your database information from end to end – yours as well as your clients’- with the latest in encryption and tokenization technologies.

Bird’s eye view of transactions

Track all your transaction records, including all open, pending, and completed transactions.

Customize your mobile device

Set the basic need for your business like special discounts, tips, promo codes, and tax rates relevant to your business.

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